TCSEP Application 2018.pdf
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Either parent or a caretaker/guardian of a child may open a case with Department of Human Resource Development Tribal Child Support Enforcement Program (DHRD TCSEP) by completing an application. Families receiving certain types of public assistance receive DHRD TCSEP services automatically.

You may retain your own attorney, at your expense. DHRD TCSEP represents the public interest. Your objectives, goals, and financial interest may be different from the interest of DHRD TCSEP. DHRD TCSEP, and DHRD TCSEP attorney, does not represent any individual.


When you receive Child Support Services, Federal and Tribal laws require you to provide DHRD TCSEP with certain information, including social security numbers for you and your children. This information is used to establish parentage, and establish, enforce and modify support orders. By submitting an application for DHRD TCSEP services, you authorize the use of these social security numbers for providing Child Support Services. DHRD TCSEP is committed to protecting your privacy and keeping information about your case confidential in compliance with Tribal and Federal law. Confidentiality is also required of all agencies and organizations that work with DHRD TCSEP. However, you should be aware that some laws require the sharing of certain information. For example, DHRD TCSEP may need to provide certain information to another agency or person working on your case; to a third party such as an insurance company; or to the other parent. Additionally, be aware that once a legal action is started to establish, modify or collect child support, all information included in the proceeding becomes a matter of public record.

Information received becomes a part of the case record. DHRD TCSEP may disclose this information, including your name, address, and phone number, to other parties in the case. If you believe the release of the information may put you or your family at risk, you must contact the DHRD TCSEP immediately! If DHRD TCSEP determines there is clear evidence of risk, your address and phone number will be removed from documents issued to other parties in the future. Also, if you have a
protective or restraining order, you must provide DHRD TCSEP with a copy.


  1. You must keep DHRD TCSEP informed of any change in your address, phone number, or employment. You must also provide updated information about other participants in the case.
  2. You must promptly inform DHRD TCSEP of any changes in the physical custody of the children, modification of the support order, other collection actions, adoption proceedings, and any other matter that may affect or change the services DHRD TCSEP is providing.
  3. You must forward any information that adds to, differs from, or contradicts information in the DHRD TCSEP case so that it may be considered.
  4. You must provide certified copies of all orders concerning your case. This includes actions that occur after DHRD TCSEP services begin.
  5. You must immediately forward any support payments you receive that have not been issued by DHRD TCSEP (or any payment you are required to make) to DHRD TCSEP.
    (a) You may be liable if DHRD TCSEP takes an enforcement action because you failed to timely forward a payment.
    (b) Credit may not be given unless payments are made through DHRD TCSEP.
    (c) Send all child support payments to:

    DHRD Tribal Child Support Enforcement Program
    PO Box 278
    Pablo, MT 59855

  6. You must verify certify that all information provided is true and complete to the best of your knowledge.
  7. A one-time application fee of $25.00 will be charged with the exception of individuals receiving services under Titles IV-A, IV-E foster care assistance, or XIX (Medicaid) of the Act. The fee is non-refundable, even if DHRD TCSEP determines your case is unworkable. Payments must be in the form of cash or money order. DHRD TCSEP does not accept personal checks.


  1. DHRD TCSEP will enter an order setting both parents’ support obligation when establishing or modifying a support order. Enforcement of the support order will be determined by the custody arrangement.
  2. DHRD TCSEP will collect medical support if it has been reduced to a judgment which is to be paid in a specific dollar amount.
  3. DHRD TCSEP, not a case participant, will determine the proper action or remedy to apply and the sequence of events, including the time frames, within which each case will proceed. This includes attempts to establish paternity when necessary, secure financial and medical support, and modify orders when appropriate.
  4. DHRD TCSEP will intercept Federal and State income tax refunds when appropriate and apply them to unpaid support debt. Persons receiving support may be required to repay intercepts if Federal adjustments occur.
  5. Are we collecting interest? If we collect for another agency we need to word differently. DHRD TCSEP will collect interest on support debts only when the amount of unpaid interest is reduced to a lump sum judgment by an order. DHRD TCSEP does not have the ability to calculate the amount of interest that may be due or that may become due. This limitation is not to be construed as a waiver of any right to collect interest independent of DHRD TCSEP. 6. DHRD TCSEP may seek reimbursement from persons who receive money to which they are not entitled. The DHRD TCSEP will provide an opportunity for you to repay or deny that money should be repaid to the DHRD TCSEP. Failure to repay or deny within 10 days of notification allows the DHRD TCSEP to keep a portion of current support (and any amount that exceeds current support) to reimburse the DHRD TCSEP. DHRD TCSEP may also take action to recover these amounts either administratively or through a court order. DHRD TCSEP is not required to collect amounts owed to the parent who paid the support.
  6. DHRD TCSEP will close a case:
    (a) Upon your request if there has been no other application for services.
    (b) When you fail to cooperate or fail to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

Note: A case may not be eligible for closure if a child receives Medicaid services or State or Tribal provided public assistance.


DHRD TCSEP cannot guarantee success in establishing paternity, establishing a support order, or collecting support. DHRD TCSEP may not be able to continue to provide services because of circumstances outside the DHRD TCSEP’s control. All warranties, expressed or implied, are specifically disclaimed. Please be aware the enforcement of child support is a complex undertaking procedure. It will take time to process your case thoroughly. These Terms and Conditions govern all Child Support Enforcement Services. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will not be binding until the DHRD TCSEP notifies you. It is the policy of the DHRD TCSEP to provide equal agency services to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, or political belief.

Alternative Accessible formats of the document will be provided upon request.

Contact Information: DHRD TCSEP staff at:
(406) 675-2700

Hank Conko-Camel, Project Director;
ext. 1284; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Traci Couture, Case-Manager/Investigator;
ext. 1347; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anita Pierce, Case-Manager/Investigator;
ext.; 1230; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.